Categories List

The bearlives crew spent the last week creating a new way to find our content. Welcome hike categories! Hike categories include:

HERE's a link to the new page!

We are also making locations starting with Kelowna and creating a newly added section. These will trickle in as we complete them. The idea is to have a category sort the information that hikers want. Categories will get more and more specific as we go along, with the goal of creating cross-categories to serve. These cross categories will be a cross-reference of two categories. For example, Dog Friendly and Kelowna Hikes.

We have of list of new categories we are looking to add, but would love your feedback on categories you would like to see. If you have an idea to make our site easier to navigate for yourself, please submit it to the feedback section of our site HERE.

Thanks for reading, here's a reward. It's picture of a very good dog enjoying Pincushion Mountain. You deserve it.